Is it the world that's busy, or my mind?

Judul diatas merupakan pertanyaan yang cukup menarik yang muncul waktu aku memulai baca buku "The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down- How to be Calm in a Busy World" dari Haemin Sunim

Pertama kali beli buku ini awalnya tertarik dari judul bukunya yang kayaknya lagi cocok sama kondisi aku yang sedang memasuki masa adaptasi dunia kerja dan mengenal "kerasnya" dunia kerja hahaha #becanda , mulailah iseng-iseng nyari hashtag buku ini di IG dan kayaknya menarik ngelihat quotenya..

Jadi  kali ini aku pengen ngeshare quote-quote menarik menurut aku dari buku ini.

Haemin ini seorang Budha yang ngefans sama Khalil Gibran yang menurut aku tulisannya ringan, kadang kocak, general dan ilustrasinya bisa buat kamu senyum-senyum sendiri. Walaupun beliau BUdha tulisannya general untuk semua kalangan dan bahkan beberapa part dari buku ini justru makin mendekatkan/mengingatkan aku sama Papa Jesus. Hope u enjoy it too.

1. When your mind rest, the world also rests.  simple tapi punya makna yang mendalam .

2. When u leave work for the day, if you find yourself asking, "Do I have to live my whole life like this?" Breathe deeply and slowly, and ask yourself how your work is helping others, regardless of how insignificantly or indirectly".  Seperti yang aku bilang tadi, quote ini mengingatkan aku tentang bagaimana aku sebagai Anak Allah hidup di dunia, bagaimana aku harus jadi garam dan terang, bahwa tujuan hidup aku itu harus memuliakan nama Allah salah satunya ya dengan bekerja sepenuh hati dalam membantu orang-orang sehingga nama TUhan bisa dimuliakan dalamnya.

3. - Don't give up in the face of criticism. Having critics means what your're doing is gettting people's attention. - Life teaches us throughs our mistkases. When u make a mistake, simply ask yourself what u were meant to learn from it. When we accept such lessons with humility and gratitude, we grow that much more.-  Membuat kesalahan itu gak papa, yang penting kita bisa beljar dari kesalahan itu. Untuk tipe orang yang kadang perfeksionis atau cepat merasa inferior setelah melakukan kesalahan, quote ini cocok menurtku untuk memberi penyemangat.

4. To keep doing your work for a long time, do not treat it as just work. View it as a source of enjoyment and growth. The roadto happines lies not just in finding a good job, but also in learning to enjoy what you are asked to do. Penempatan kerja terlalu jauh, Beban Kerja terlalu berat, relasi dengan orang sedang merenggang, Lelah, Jenuh Bosan.. Nikmati saja proses itu maka smuanya akan terasa lebih ringan

5. It is difficult to quickly control a strong negative emotion, the more we try to control it the more it becomes agitated and resurfaces. Rileks, Tenang, dan bersahabat dengan masalah akan meringankan beban kita saat sedang tertimpah masalah

6. Just like u cant control the weather, or your boss's mood, you can't control the feling in your body. they are just passing through, like clouds in the sky. They too dissipate on their own.  Absolutly true.. kalau aku bilang biarkan waktu yang bakalan menghapus sesuatu yang nggak sanggup kamu lalui, semua masalah bakalan kita lewati kok, ada masa untuk berduka ada masa untuk bersuka, semua ada masanya. Lalui saja semuanya dengan tenang, semuanya akan terlewati.

7. trying to clear your head is also a thought. terlalu banyak mikir memang berbahaya guys.. hehehehe

8. Eevryone is kind to someone they meet for the first time. The question is how long their kindness lasts. Dont be fooled just because someone is nice to u at first. Butuh waktu guys untuk menilai seseorang, tidak ada hanya dalam sekali pertemuan kita bisa mengenal seseorang..

9. We must ask wheteher it was worthwilw if we make each other feel unhappy or hurt in the name of defending our beliefs. instead of maintaining the sanctity of our values, shouldn't we care more about th eperson sitting in front us ? isnt it better to be happy together than to be right alone? Berbeda boleh, tapi jangan jadikan perbedaan itu buat mencerai beraikan sisi kemanusiaan dalam dirimu

10. If Someone looks perfect, then that is because u don't know the person very well. Tidak ada orang yang sempurna di dunia ini. Belajarlah untuk menerima kekurangan diri kita sendiri dan kekurangan orang lain.

11. Choose happiness, not success, as your life's goal. if u become successfull but aren't happy then what is the point?. Salah satu yang terfavorit. Orang bisa mencemooh karena kita pengangguran , atau karena penghasilan koita rendah, terserah... yang penting kamu happy.. selama kamu bahagia, terserah dunia mau berkata apa, as long as u happy

12. No matter how well we get along with someone, if we stick too close without building in some personal space, we soon feel trapped and burned out; it is easyto take the relationship for granted and feel resentful about not having enough privacy and indepedence. on the other hand, if we put in too little effort to stay in touch with friends and family, we cant feel the warmth of their love. Striking a balance is key. Salah satu yang terfavorit... we need some distance sometimes for a better relationship

13. When u speak ill of others, it hurts u more than anyone-because your negativity is loudest within you. energi negatif membunuh kebahagian kita guys.. orang lain tersakiti tapi kamu lebih tersakiti lagi.

14. if we help someone in the hope of getting something in return, this is not giving but lending. tulus tulus tulus

15. The person who betrayed u and left, the person who stole from u and dissapeared,the person who stabbed u in the back and acted as if nothing happened-forgive them. not for them, but for your own sake--truly completely, for yourself. not because they deserve your forgiveness not because they are only human. forgiive them. so u can be free. so u can be happy. so u can go on living your life.

Does the person u hate deserve to be carried around in your heart? keep in your heart those who love u, if u carry around with u people u hate, it causes only angst and deppression. 
Akar pahit dalam diri yang tumbuh karena takbisa memanfaatkan, sebaiknya dipangkas demi kebaikan kita sendiri.. ingatlah untuk selalu happy jan

16. in a gathering of seven or eight people, we will surely meet one or two who like us alot and one or two who arent taht fond of us. Don't take it personally; this is just the way of the world. Ada orang yang gak menyukai kamu? santai aja,, dunia emang gitu kok.. orang makassar bilangnya "duniaji ini cika' "

17. to cook something delicious, u need for the ingredients to marinate. to build a lasting relationship, u need time for trust to develop. Sesuatu yang instan sering tidak baik kan? biarkan waktu bekerja dalam membangun sesuatu yang baik itu...

18. proof of having really loved; u do not speak ill of your ex even after your relationship has ended.. ini mungkin yang namanya mantan terindah

dan masih banyak lagi quotenya yang bakal aku lanjutin di part 2.. hhhha


  1. Replies
    1. Beli di @litteracie silahkan dicek pak dhika IGnya... hehe


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